Wednesday, October 28, 2009

New blog address

So, I switched over to wordpress for my blog. Check it out at

Social Media

When I was a senior in highschool (2004-2005), I began to hear this buzzword around school: "facebook." Everyone started talking about it around the halls, and it became something that was a must have. No one quite understood what it was, or what we were to do with it, but we knew we had to have it. You just had to start a facebook page or that was the end of your social status. But when facebook began, you had to have a college e-mail address in order to start an account (Example: It's whole purpose was to keep college students in touch with one another and in touch with their friends and former classmates.

So, of course, the highlight of senior year is being accepted to a college and choosing which one you'd go to. The new highlight, however, became not only getting accepted, but recieving your first college email address so that YOU could start your facebook page. Forget graduating- getting facebook was the new milestone!

That first year of facebook was the best. You can't forget the GIANT enevelope that would show up on your homepage to show you that you had a message. It made me feel special! And the scroll of birthdays was big and right on the front screen so you couldn't miss it. These days ,with the 5pt font over in the bottom corner, you're lucky if I even know you have a birthday..

I've realized how much Facebook and now this whirlwind called Twitter, have shaped and changed our culture. Facebook moved onto allowing high school students to join, then opened up to the entire world. I can remember the day high schoolers were allowed to join facebook. You should have heard the complaints on the college campus. How dare they take away OUR facebook! But now, it has become a place for 40 year olds to find their high school friends, parents to keep tabs on their children, an outlet for friends and family to see your photos, a way to send out surveys, and an adverstising and marketing tool.

I have been in meetings the past couple of days, and listened to the marketing procedures for new products coming out from my company. Every single one of them will use facebook and/or twitter as one tool to get the word out about the product. It became so much of a given that the presenters would end marketing plans by saying, "oh, and of course we'll use social media."

But can I complain for a minute? What happened here? And where did my outlet to just keep up with my friends go?

I attend a church service for 20s-30s, called Kairos, here in Nashville and the pastor has shared before that so many people ask to come and sell things or give away things to us before or after the service, but the pastor and leadership team will not allow it. He says he wants to protect us, and give us a place where we don't have to be distracted by people pulling at us all the time.

I cherish that. And I appreciate that.

Now, I understand the usefullness of Facebook and Twitter as marketing tools, and I get that it has helped my generation and others be more informed and more involved. But I can't help but wish that the Facebook I was so attracted to 5 years ago had never changed; that commercials, magazine ads, soliciters, and billboards, would have been enough.

I commend the creators of Facebook and Twitter, and know they must be pleased with the success and CRAZE they have caused (and the millions of dollars they're sitting on). I just sometimes miss the days where I didn't have to say no to 10 events that I could care less about, skip through peoples' results for which Disney princess they are, delete who tagged who in some meaningless note, bypass who joined the "I'm a fan of peanut butter" group, and feel sorry for who ended their relationship. I. don't. care.

Long story short: I feel violated. Is that harsh?! Now let me go post on my status that I updated my blog...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

the bubble

I talk about my friends alot. And that is because they are a big part of my life! I have 5 best friends, some I met in college, and others I've known since age 6, but they each hold a special place in my heart. I am proud of each of them. Graduating into the horrible economy where finding a job is a major challenge, was stressful for sure- but I am happy to say that we found jobs (or got into grad school)! 1 is a nurse, 1 is on staff with Young Life, 1 works at a dental office, 1 works for the FBI, and 1 is in Physical Therapy school. Impressed much? I always am :)

I may not see them often, or even talk to them everyday, but I know they are there, and I know they get me. Two of my friends were up visiting this past weekend, and one was explaining how she sees our friendship. She tells people that we are her bubble. She has a new life, a new job, new friends, etc, but we are the bubble that surrounds it all. We are consistent.

Cheesy as it may be (but that's the way we roll), it's true. My friends are my bubble, my consistency. I can go for a long time and not see them, but the minute we're back together we just pick up where we left off.

I am blessed. Blessed to have friends that get me. Blessed to have friends that became family. Blessed to have a bubble.

Thanks, Rika for letting me expand on your idea :)


Monday, October 19, 2009

2 Years later..

Exactly 2 years ago, I took a road trip from Milledgeville with 2 of my best friends, Erika and Caroline to go the UGA/Vandy game in Nashville. It was 1) a chance to see the Dawgs play, and 2) a chance to visit my brother and sister-in-law who lived in Nashville. I remember the weather was awesome, the game was so fun, and the weekend was a great time spent with family and friends. See pic.

We left and drove back to school on Sunday and I remember just being obsessed with Nashville for the rest of the week. I just loved it. And I knew that I wanted to go back. I called my sister and told her how much I just loved the town, and how I really wanted to try to find an internship there for the summer, so I could truly experience Nashville.

And so I did. I moved up there that following summer (the summer before my
senior year) and lived with Ad&Ans, and interned at a church. It was one of the best summers ever. I cried when I left to return to school; not because I didn't want to begin my senior year and be back with my friends, but because I knew my heart was being drawn to Nashville.

Two years after that UGA/Vandy game, I find myself living in Nashville and extremely happy! On Saturday, the Dawgs returned to this great city and rallied a win for us. Of course, the day was not complete without good food and good friends and family. I'm thankful that my family bonds over Georgia football, so my other brother and his fiance joined us in town for the fun. It was good sibling bonding indeed! I think the thing that I find even more special is that Erika and Caroline road tripped up here yet again to cheer on the Dawgs, but this year to visit me!

Who knew that two years ago, when I drove away from this special place that I would return to live and work here. Oh Nashville, how I love you!

And p.s. Erika, of course your hair color changed like 10 time in those 2 years. haha! But that's why we love you!

Thursday, September 24, 2009


So, I always feel like I have to wait until I have a funny story or inspirational thought to blog...  but that is so silly of me.   #1) It defeats the purpose of why I started this blog: to write because I love to write, and to share life with friends.  And #2) It's not like I have a multitude of people reading this thing- so no one really cares WHAT I write about!  

Thank you for allowing to me to justify myself right there. :)

Today, I have no funny story, no new insight to life, no inspirational advice.  Today I rejoice in the simple things: Pizza and Grey's Anatomy!

Life is crazy, so much going on.  Brother is getting married, roommate is moving in, work is stressful (at times), my 5 bffs are all in GA and I try to keep up with their lives, and my multitude of blog readers expect me to blog daily.  (HA- totally kidding).

And we all know how great it is to have a night of nothing.  A night to put on PJs, relax on the couch, and watch mindless T.V. so you can think about nothing.  So, tonight, I am doing just that!  Well-minus the PJs.  

I'm so pumped to spend the evening with Ansley and Chris (Chris is a girl)  to celebrate Chris' bday with yummy pizza and Grey's Anatomy.   We will sit, eat, laugh, eat, catch up, eat, and watch Grey's.  And by the time we get to the 2nd hr of the season premiere, I will be delightfully full, probably falling asleep, but happily relaxing and rejoicing in the simplicity of thinking about nothing.  Except for McDreamy, of course. :)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Moving on up.

Good grief.  I haven't blogged in forever!  Oops.  This whole day-job thing is taking over.  I mean, I get up as the sun rises, and by the time I get home from work I want to go bed as the sun sets.  Laaame.   But life is good!

I'm currently sitting in my new apartment.  Totally by myself.  With no furniture.  What a life!  I officially move in 2 weeks from tomorrow.  By officially, I mean my parents are bringing my furniture!  It's so exciting though just to sit in an empty room and know that it's mine.   Mine to decorate, mine to furnish.  Okay, so yes, I have a roommate who will share all this as well, but work with me here.  It's a good feeling to look at the bare walls and think about what I want to put on them- pictures?  Wall decorations?  Art?  I get to start over and put new pictures in frames, new decorations to match.  

Call me cheesy and call me lame, but I can't help but think how that mirrors my life right now.  It's a bare wall; a blank canvas.  I have started something new here and I get to decorate how I wish.  Every new experience is another piece of furniture or picture frame placed in my "life-apartment."

Man, that really is cheesy.  Excuse me.  But seriously, though- every edition, every new friend, every new part of the job, every new experience makes me feel more and more at home.  

So, yeah.  Call me cheesy, call me lame, call me Herecules :)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I'm a slacker.

So, I've totally slacked off on my blogging the past week or so.  Oops.  Please forgive me.

As many of you know, my rollercoaster journey of searching for a job has come to a stop.  Three days ago, I was offered a job at a great publishing company here in Nashville.  What an opportunity!  This could definitely open up many doors for my future.  And look how quickly God took my vulnerability and gave me an opportunity I never expected.  It was just a few weeks ago, that I was confident enough to rejoice in the writing God's blessed me with and now He's opened up the world of publishing to me.  

Something I read recently has stuck with me over the past couple of weeks and it speaks exactly to this situation.  I've been slowly going through the book of John, and this particular story stuck out to me.  In John 1, it describes how Nathaniel comes to Jesus and Jesus says, "'Here is a true Israelite; no deceit is in him. (v47)'"  Nathaniel is shocked because He's never met Jesus before and has no idea how Jesus already knows who he is.  Nathaniel asks Jesus how He knows him and Jesus explains, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you (v48)."

Nathaniel is again shocked and amazed.  ""Rabbi,' Nathaniel replied, 'You are the Son of God!  You are the King of Israel!'"

At this point I feel like Jesus probably just gives a little chuckle a lightly shakes His head.  This is what he tells Nathaniel.  The point that sticks out to me:

"'Do you believe only because I told you I saw you under the fig tree?  You will see greater things than this. (v50)'"

You will see greater things than this.  That is what God has been saying constantly to me over the past couple of weeks.  I slowly began to see His delight in me being in Nashville over the past couple of weeks.  Day after day there has been one more reason or one more person that I've met that has confirmed in me that I'm where I'm supposed to me.  But He quickly said, "Katy, you will see greater things than this."  

Now, I have this job.  A full-time, 40hr/week, big-girl job with benefits.  I'm so excited, so thankful, so hopeful, but still He tells me, "You will see greater things than this."

May today and everyday we realize that the God we love, the God we serve is bigger, better, and greater than anything we dream or write on our calender.  For every plan that we accomplish, every dream that comes true, and every goal that we reach, He holds it in His hands with a chuckle and slight head nod saying, "My child, you will see things greater than this."  And for that, to God be all the glory.